Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Auction Begins

People were parked everywhere.

The make-shift auctioneer's office. Wayne's station wagon and pickup are in the background.

Ann Sydes, the auction caller, is in the yellow sweater.

It didn't rain; but, it was very cold. During the auction, a mass of cold air moved over the site making the weather even more miserable.

Inside Wayne's shop. He stuffed the one-car garage attached to the house from floor to ceiling with materials of every discription. Alan managed to organized and clean up so that the good stuff could be sold and the useless stuff could go into the dumpsters.

This stuff was behind some more stuff.

There was a path to the freezer. The saw and the laundry facilities were behind more stuff.

In the same space with the freezer and laundry facilities, these pieces of equipment were a complete surprise.

Alan calls this the "ant at a picnic" stage of the auction. Up till now, people have been moving in an orderly fashion around the property with the auctioneer, waiting patiently to finish bidding on the items they want. After the bidding is completed, everyone pays and starts to collect their goods. They are now full of smiles, triumphant about their successes, and moving in every direction.

Wayne built this large-varmint trap. The guy who bought it is trying to trap a cougar that keeps eating his sheep. Would you want to be anywhere near this thing with an unhappy cougar in it?

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